Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sous Vide Pork Loin

And We Meet Again!   Hello there you faithful reader(s)!  I do realize that I am two weeks tardy on this post, however, with a sick boy and the holidays, there has been little time for myself.  And when I've had time, I sunk into bed with my book (The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson - interesting non-fiction read).  Alas, that has finished and I have a couple moments, so here I am.

Thanks to Mike's boss, we have been introduced to the lovely world of Sous Vide.  It's essentially a super slow cooker that you use to make lean cuts of meat super tender.  You seal the meat in a ziploc bag (or sealed bag now that we have a foodsaver system- yay Christmas!) , throw it in your cooking vessel, plug it in, set the temperature around 140 (different for different cuts of meat), and let it cook for a day or two (or three!).

So we bought a cheap pork loin from Costco, cut it into roast size pieces, found a delicious spice rub, and went to work.  (And by 'we' I really mean 'Mike' as this is his baby but is just so good I feel I have to share!)   The rub he found was the Meatheads Memphis Dust Rub Recipe, which you can find here from

We did two pork loins as we were having a Christmas potluck and had a lot of hungry mouths to feed!  
We cooked it for 2 days at 140 Degrees F and the result was pure heaven. Mike did a quick sear on the meat just to get some appetizing color to the meat.  To be honest, I didn't realize that pork wasn't supposed to be dry.  The tenderness and the moisture was incomparable to any other pork dish that I've ever had!  Thank you, Mike, for a wonderful meal.  Yummmmmmm.