Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mac and Cheese

I am obsessed with mac and cheese! I'm always in search of the best recipe and I find myself searching for hours and being drawn in by things like mac and cheese festivals and competitions and know that some day I need to attend to 'sample' and ensure that the best is indeed chosen.

When I found Maclarens Imperial Sharp Cold Pack Cheddar at Costco, I thought I remembered seeing a recipe using this for a mac and cheese recipe! To my disappointment, after I had bought it, I couldn't find a recipe using it for mac and cheese! So I made my own...

My version of an old classic:

Mac and Cheese
3 cups dry elbow mac
1/3 cup margarine (I use the Becel Olive Oil one)
1/3 cup flour
1/3 cup white wine
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup milk
1 cup reserved pasta water
Salt and pepper
1/8 tsp cayenne
1/3 tub Maclarens Imperial Sharp Cheddar (you could use about two cups grated sharp cheddar if you don't have the tub stuff - I get this from Costco)
Old light cheese grated

Cook about 3 cups dry elbow mac according to package directions. Strain, saving the cooking liquid.

While that is cooking, melt marg, stir in flour, and let cook for about 2 min, stirring constantly. Whisk in the wine, chicken broth, milk, and reserved pasta water. *If you're going to be freezing some, add about 1/2 cup more liquid* Heat this to a boil, then reduce to a simmer until it thickens (about 5 min or less), stir in 1/3 tub of cheese, add spices.

Take off heat and stir in your cooked mac.
Pour into a 9x13 pan, top with grated cheese and pop into the oven on broil for about 5 or 10 min till the top gets a bit brown and crispy.

Yum! Even better the second day :)

1 comment:

  1. Amanda had a craving for KD the other day and I was going to try to make her homemade... wish I had've had this blog then ;).

    Keep the posts comming!
