Wednesday, March 24, 2010


You know those busy nights when you've been running around all day and really don't have time to make supper? OR you just came off a set of nights or maybe you're in the middle of a set and just don't have the energy to think about what to cook. Well I am all for convenience food. If it's fast, tasty, and nutritious, why not?? I have never made my own pasta, and I don't feel inclined to.. ever. I feel that there are great fresh pasta options out there on the market who can do it better than I can! I found this Gourmet Ravioli or Ravioli Gourmet at Costco for about $10.95. They had it as one of their samples and I was hooked! It's super quick and easy and stuffed with yummy spinach and mozzarella. You can add different pasta sauces or whatever you want, but usually I just add a couple twirls of olive oil and the herb and parm mix that comes with it in the bag and voila, in ten minutes you got a gourmet pasta dish.


  1. Yummy. I've had these and they are delicious!

  2. I swear the pics are great! I salivate when I read your blog!!

